The aim of the Federation is the development and the dissemination of the trade union spirit to trade and small and medium-sized entrepreneurship in Thrace, the systematic and scientific study, research, follow up and solution of every subject concerning the local trade and the small and medium-sized entrepreneurship in Thrace and mainly the preserving, promotion and development of the common financial, social and professional profits of the members.
For the matters concerning the area of Thrace the Federation collaborates with the pubic, administrative and judicial authorities, intending at the same time the development and the progress of the trade and the small and medium-sized entrepreneurship. It also closely cooperates with municipalities and the representatives of different social communities for the formulating and the decision implementation dealing with the common professional, financial and social profits of the members.
The federation has close links and cooperation relations with the Presidency of Hellenic Republic, the Ministry of Tourism, the Ecumenical Patriarchate as well as the Embassy of the U. S. Embassy and Consulate and the embassy of Canada.
Moreover, the Federation has signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with Alexandroupolis Port Authority.
Finally, participates to the preparation and the implementation of co-funded projects and projects of European, national, regional and local scope.
Our Address:
Vasileos Konstantinou 2, Komotini 69132
41.1224394, 25.406558200000063