TwelveSec is a Cyber Security consulting firm specialised in Security Assurance, Security Management and Security Training Services. Leveraging on its extensive experience in Maritime Cyber Security, TwelveSec assists companies to identify and…
United Marine Agencies S.A. established in 1992 and were part of a well-known international shipping group; we have the knowledge and expertise to guarantee first class and cost-effective solutions, tailormade to each client´s needs and preferences.…
Risk Assessments – Vulnerability Studies & Threat Analysis United Security provides comprehensive safety studies with its key components, implementing fully customer’s requirements, high quality of services, flexibility and adaptability to…
WIMA is a non-profit Business Association of marine oriented companies, whose main objective is to promote its members’ activities, on a global scale. Since 2006, we have successfully established a network of certified companies with international…
XRTC Business Consultants Ltd. has been active since its establishment (1999) in Shipping Finance and in the provision of advisory services to maritime companies. XRTC has been a commercial representative of international banking groups in the Greek…